Posts tagged smash the cake
Cake Smash Photography London | Josuf | Timeless Photography
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Bumblebee Cake Smash Photography, London Cake Smash Photographer. Cake Smash Photography, Baby Photography London
Cake smash photography | martin | London

Do you see the ute curls? I love Martin’s curls. The most interesting is that his parents aren’t blond at all. It has come from further back genes in the family.

It was worth the wait and the nap. Martin came into the studio with a grumpy mood and wasn’t too happy to have photos taken. This can happen of course, he is the boss of my work, if he cries and clings to mum after a few tries to capture anything nice, it’s time to rethink. After a few minutes of talk and finding out that he woke up very early that morning. Which has turned the schedule around for him and he was now tired earlier than normal. We decided to have mum feed him and get him to sleep for an half an hour.

I am very glad that we decided to give him a nap because wow it did wonders, he sat down and tasted the cake and was very concentrated and we only had a few smiles but it doesn’t always need a big smile to make the photos come out good. He did so well in the end and the parents were so delighted and happy that it turned out well in the end.

I always recommend for parents to stay as calm as they can because the child will sense your stress or anxiety. A calm mum equals a calm baby they say. At least for the most of the time.

How would you decorate your baby’s cake smash, would it be all pink or blue? or would you go for something different? Please comment below.

Bumblebee Photography London Cake Smash Photography London
Bumblebee Photography London Cake Smash Photography London, Baby Photographer London
Bumblebee Photography London Cake Smash Photography London
Bumblebee Photography London Cake Smash Photography London
Bumblebee Photography London Cake Smash Photography London
Bumblebee Photography London Cake Smash Photography London
Bumblebee Photography London Cake Smash Photography London
Cake Smash Photo Session | Joshua | London | Sneak Peek

Cake smash sneak peek here we go, I know we are going into a new lock down and yes I am closing my studio on Thursday so I will be sharing ma latest work and I do have a few left to retouch and give some love to and share with you guys.

I wanted to say that if you have a baby that will turn one in November and wants a cake smash session I am taking bookings for December and forward and are hoping that it will happen and the lock down won’t be longer than 4 weeks, fingers crossed. If you are having a baby in November I am booking your due date in and we are hoping that we will be able to shoot your little baby early days in December. They might be a few days older then what we normally would like. There is always a way of capturing cute photos even if they are a bit older so don’t hesitate to book in your due date we will make it happen. Keep hope up and fingers crossed.

Lots of love from me and enjoy your evening. x

Bumblebee Photography London Cake Smash Photography London  Smash The Cake
Smash The Cake Photography Session | Ivano-Kiala Francisco | Bumblebee Photography London

Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday Dear Ivano-Kiala Francisco. Happy Birthday to you! Yay!

First smash the cake session in the new studio, oh yes so exciting and fun. We had a great time, and yes I noticed a few things that I could change in the storage to make it better for you. I am so happy that Ivano-Kiala came with his beautiful family and with his older sister who was so well behaved. A family from Angola with very well behaved children and a very fun family. He had a great smile in the begging of the session. They added some family photos to their session so we started of with some wonderful family images and a few of his sister alone.

We moved over to the smash the cake session shortly after and it took a few minutes to get the decorations up and perfect for them, what do you think of the decorations? Do you like it minimal or more wild and a lot of decorations and colour?

Ivano-Kiala was enjoying the cake so much that he didn’t have tim to smile, he just ate and ate and experimented with the textured of the buttercream. It was a pleasure to watch it all happening and how much he enjoyed it. The best part for him was the bath at the end, yes the wonderful time in the little bath tub was so good and wow he cried when we got him out to get him dry and dressed. It have to come to an end one day. He splashed so hard that some of the decorations got ruined, but that’s fine. It gave us cute photos so definitely worth it. So if you come and your little one is splashing hard don’t be worried about it. As long as there is no tears and cry then I am more than happy.

The cake for this session was completely egg free cake which is something we can do. The cake is done by Buttercream Daisies She is a great baker and she even dropped it of for me, that little extra service that I just needed that day. If you ever need a cake contact her, she wont disappoint you.

Smash The Cake Photography Session London Cake Smash Photography
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Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Vero J Photography Smash The Cake Photography London Cake Smash Photography
Cake Smash Photography Session Offer

I am offering Cake Smash Photography Sessions in September for only £95 including 10 standard prints and small digital images for social media. Cake, decorations, my time, knowledge and retouching and delivery is all included. Limited spaces so be quick. Why am I offering something so cheap? Because I have just recently moved to London from Sweden and are now getting my photography company up and running here and the best way to get your name out is to offer something so that’s why.

The studio is a road away from Greenford Broadway West London.

Send a email to book your spot or go to the contact page.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Cake Smash Photography London Smash the cake
Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm | Niklas |

Färger ska det ju vara, denna gång lite färger som det inte alltid brukar vara, men färger som jag väldigt mycket tycker om. Smash the cake fotograferingen med Niklas gick väldigt bra även fast att han i början var lite ledsen och blyg. Men efter en stund med lite hjälp av mamma och pappa så fick det tillslut fart på det kladdiga.

Men som i vanlig ordning så började vi med ett par familje bilder och vidare till att dekorera och göra i ordning studion för en cake smash fotografering. Brukar gärna göra detta med föräldrarna då det blir som de vill ha det då. Jag lägger alltid fram alla dekoration på ett långt bord jag har där föräldrarna kan i lugn och ro titta igenom och välja färger och vilka saker de vill ha. Ibland får man hänga upp och sedan kanske ta bort och byta till något annat. Men viktigt för mig är att kunden är nöjd med dekorationen och hur det är uppsatt. De är ju deras bilder i slutändan så otroligt viktigt att det blir bra.

Niklas fotograferade jag när han var nyfödd och efter ett år så kommer han in i studion större men lika söt. Men han är en liten pojke som behöver lite tid innan han blir varm i kläderna och vågar ta för sig och så kan det vara ibland och därav har jag alltid två timmar på dessa fotograferingar även fast att det ibland bara tar en timma beroende på barn. Men Niklas var duktig som tog sig igenom detta med leenden på slutet och ett mysigt bad som han tyckte väldigt mycket om. Då han har känslig hy så får han inte bada så ofta så detta var otroligt kul men oj vad ledsen han blev när det väl var över. Han fyllde hela studion med sitt skrik. Men men så kan det gå och jag förstår helt varför han skrek, bada är ju bara för roligt.

Det var väldigt kul att få träffa Niklas igen efter ett år och få se hur denna lilla nyfödda bebis hade vuxit och formats. Niklas ögon är ju så fina och han kommer att charma många flickor i framtiden, det kan jag lova. Men är så tacksam för att få fångat dessa bilder och att få dela de med er.

Önskar er alla en skön dag. x

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Vero J Fotograf Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm Cake smash
Vero J Fotograf Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm Cake smash
Vero J Fotograf Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm Cake smash
Vero J Fotograf Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm Cake smash
Vero J Fotograf Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm Cake smash
Vero J Fotograf Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm Cake smash
Vero J Fotograf Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm Cake smash
Vero J Fotograf Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm Cake smash
Vero J Fotograf Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm Cake smash
Vero J Fotograf Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm Cake smash
Vero J Fotograf Smash the cake fotografering Stockholm Cake smash