What I WISH I Had Known Before Bringing Baby Home!
Bringing baby home would be a complete shock
My Story
It’s of course a little different if you had a natural birth or a c-section. I got two children as you already know and my first one was a c-section so my experience coming home was so much more different. What I struggled with the most after the c-section was that my bed didn’t have a remote where you could move the back of the bed so you where sitting and after a c-section you can’t use your stomach muscles so I looked at my bed when I came home and cried. I was in tear and said to my partner I am going to have to sit and sleep?! Because I couldn’t get up if I where lying flat or at least not in a easy way. So we had to grab all the fluffy pillows we had to make me come up a little and my husband got woken up every time our little girl woke up to give me a push up or just to go and get her and give her to me.
I had an idea in my head that breastfeeding can’t be a problem the baby knows how to make it work by instinct, but no no no, I was so wrong it took me four days to get it working and so when we came home on the 3rd day and I noticed that oh I haven’t bought any formula, because I was so sure that breastfeeding would happen. It never crossed my mind that I might have to have some formula in case it doesn’t go that way. So please leave the hustle and have some at home. Because I had to tell my partner to go late night to find a open shop and buy formula, I can promise you that he wasn’t to happy but of course he did it.
It was a lot more different with my second one, my son, I had a natural birth and had no idea of the pain and the problems with going to the toilet after, I didn’t have any of the good products to help that problem out. I have made a survival kit for you please take a look below the photo.
To PREPARE a postpartum survival kit!!!
I ran out of everything fast (what the hospital provided at least) and had to try telling my husband (while he was going to every store in the area) what Happy Nunny Healing Pads (because these were MUST HAVES). All that frustration while in pain and exhausted to my soul!
I advice you TO NOT skip out on a Postpartum Care Kit. It’s not that hard to put together either. I have put together an Amazon List with items recommended by the hospital.
You will also run out of those guazy, ugly as heck but amazing disposable underwear the hospital gives you, or they may give you none if you are unlucky. Save yourself the trouble and buy your own postpartum maternity (post-surgical) disposable underwear just like the hospital has.
The hospital also gives you this cheapo little bottle to squirt warm water down there every single time you go to the bathroom called a peri bottle with a nozzle specifically designed to be held upside down, giving you much more control with each use.
Also, the hospital provided Happy Nunny Healing Pads to place directly on the maxi pad for relief. They are little round (3″) pads with witch hazel and I cannot tell you how much they relieved the burning and itching, so good and make it just a little better.
When you leave the hospital, chances are you will receive Pain Relieving Spray and you will be thankful so thankful.. The nurse told me, “Never forget to use this each and every time you go to the bathroom.” The problem is, that’s a lot of spraying so we had to go out and find two additional cans. Save yourself the hassle and have it ready beforehand! I can’t stress this enough. Another similar spray gaining momentum is Earth Mama Herbal Perineal Spray. It’s a more natural product and I’ve heard raving reviews.
But he most important thing is to Rest! I will say it again yes rest because it is SO important. Take care of yourself. It’s okay if the laundry doesn’t get done and the house is a mess, it’s fine you just had a baby. Let yourself watch Netflix. Make yourself take naps (even if naps aren’t your thing). This is your healing and recovery time. Make it count as much as you can and please ask for help.
I hope this was a little helpful.